Friday, August 6, 2010

Let's take a drive...

So, I was surfing, which is typical of me, and I came accross an article I found quite interesting. The article was talking about President Obama and his driving. Or, rather, his lack thereof. Naturally, the President of the United States doesn't drive - its not completely safe! Or at least that's what I assume the reason is.

Anyways, that got me thinking tonight as I was out on my drive. There's nothing like going for an aimless drive, out on the high way with the windows down and your music blaring (or perhaps even talking on the phone to a friend).

Such an activity could and most likely does help you clear your mind, work through problems, or even in some situations simmer down and regain composure.

So, as I was driving aimlessly on highway 34, I was sorting through some of the clutter in my mind. And out of the blue it hit me...

"Tomorrow is only a day away...."

The sun will set, and with it the worries of the day, the hustle and the bustle of the day will set with it. But the beauty of it all... the sun will rise anew. And with it there are new opportunities, new experiences, new people to meet, and all that jazz. :)

So, anyways, of course, I'm wondering how on earth the President can stand not being able to drive. How does he clear his head and have oddball discoveries? :O Eh, maybe he's the shower thinker?

At any rate, DRIVING FOR THE WIN. :D