I mentioned Darth Vader for a reason. When in his uniform/mask which are his essential life sustaining devices, Darth Vader is a powerful foe. He is a master of the force, he is feared among men, and he is strong.
However, take the mask off as Luke did in episode six, and what do we see? A broken man beneath the mask.
Many times I think this is the reality for many of us. Behind the strong front we put up for our family, for our friends, for the random people we don't know... We hide behind the mask of strength, the mask of resolve, the mask of confidence, etc.
But what do we find underneath? We find our struggles, our brokenness, our fears, our heart-breaks, our insecurities, and so much more.
So, I suppose my wandering thought has been focusing, lately, on why we don't seem to do anything about it?
Is it because we are faced with what is under our own mask every day? Or is it because we are to scared to see what is underneath the mask of our of best friends? Or one of our family members?
Well, I suppose maybe there is merit to that fear. We go to such great lengths to hide our all of our flaws and insecurities that many times its almost impossible to even consider looking at someone else's.
Yet, one can't help but wonder how different we could be if we had just one or two people... In which the masks could come off with.